FREE WEBINAR: Best Practices for Clean & Green Deicing

The time is now to plan for deicing!
If you think this means a chloride salt mess inside your facilities, think again! We have an environmentally responsible solution to curb the cleanup.
Our Green & Clean Deicing presentation will describe effective ways to handle the mess while keeping the environment in mind.
About the presenter: Nate Clemmer is the CEO of Secure Winter Products and the creator of Entry® – the only Green Seal certified, chloride-free ice melt on the market and 2019 winner of the coveted ISSA Innovation of the Year Award.
Learn more about Entry® and how it can save you time and money this winter and beyond!
We look forward to seeing you there.
Topic: Best Practices For Clean & Green Deicing
Date: Jan 14, 2021 10:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)